
Commision : OPEN


Hi all~ :wave: i want to try my luck here, since i'm still jobless :cries:
if anyone interested please commis me :worship: thank you very much~
you're from outside DeviantArt can too, just send me e-mail

:bulletyellow:All Ilustrations are done on A4 size.psd 300dpi and sent by email
:bulletyellow:I will have the credit of the commision
:bulletyellow:Please do not ask me to do a style which isn't available in my gallery
:bulletyellow:I will send the sketch of the order for the first, if you agree for it, please kindly sent me the full payment. If I already finished the commission and the payment was recieved, I will send a preview pic to your e-mail, and then you will get the full sized image.
:bulletyellow:The works is for personal use only. If you'd like to use it for commercial purpose, there will be additional charge.

:bulletorange:How to order : send me e-mail at
Subject : Commission
Content : Your commission choice(lineart/coloured art), include the DESCRIPTION of the order you want and reference link of sample.

:bulletyellow:I ONLY DRAW : CHIBI FORM

1. OC
2. Moslem purpose
3. Blog Header
4. Any theme (please ask me first)

:bulletred:I WON'T DRAW

1. porn/hentai/ecchi/yaoi/yuri
2. mecha
3. anything violent
4. too detailed things
5. animal/furry

:star:DIGITAL LINEART (without background)

1. headshot, waist up : US$ 3 / IDR 20000
2. full body : US$ 5 / IDR 35000
for every additional character will be charged US$ 1 / IDR 10000

:star:COLORED ART (please see my gallery and choose the color style you interested and send me the link)

1. headshot, waist up
---without background : US$ 7 / IDR 40000
---background : US$ 8 / IDR 50000
2. full body
---without background : US$ 9 / IDR 70000
---background : US$10 / IDR 80000
for every additional character will be charged US$ 2 / IDR 15000

international : PAYPAL (
indonesia : BCA


Can you speak a foreign language?

98% bhs indonesia + 5% bhs banjar + 8% bhs jawa + 20% bhs sunda + 40% bhs inggris + 20% bhs jepang + plus plus bhs tarzan

Ask me anything




Ketika saya berumur 1 tahun bersama abang, lokasi rumah yang udah ngga bisa saya ingat lagi bagaimana bentuk ruangan jumlah ruangan dan lain-lain, Balikpapan, Kal-Tim. Tiap liat foto masa kecil jadi pengen balik ke masa kecil lagi, ketika saya masih imut-imut tidak berjerawat, tidak berkomedo dan tidak berbekas jaitan dikulit. Pengen bisa pakai baju selucu ini lagi, hihihihi XP

Not Love Story Not Yet Humour Story

This comis is an alternative for my work in campus. Kayaknya mata kuliah ilustrasi dasar deh *poho*. Sengaja mengecoh cerita, karena sejak kuliah saya udah ngga mau lagi baca komik serial cantik *soalnya bikin kejiwaan saya terganggu karena terlalu mellow* saya jadi agak risih kalo bikin komik-komik cinta, jadi saya memutuskan untuk bikin komik serial cantik yang mengecoh karena akhir cerita yang krik krik jangkrik dan kwaaak kwaaak gagak. *loh? saya jadi ngbahas pake bahasa indonesia?*. Because there's no text in this comic, i hope every people can understand what happen in this comic. :)
Oh iya, jadinya komik yang saya bikin bukan yang ini, masih ada lagi. Tapi saya cari dulu ya filenya, menghilang uy, moga moga ketemu. Amiin.


My First Comic

Whoaaa, this is my first comic!! I made this at junior high school in 1999 XD. Lucky, I still safe this book. But the other *which i drew it on piece of paper* got lost ;o; *cries loudly*. Anyway, this is the cover of the book.

This is the first page, short comic about a music class. A teacher told one student to sing a song in front of class. The boy said he will sing a song "dalam hati" (i do not know the english, haha, it means song which you sang just silently in your heart). The teacher believes it is really a title of song. But the boy didn't sing a song, after 15 minutes the teacher asked him why he didn't sing a song. The boy insist he was singing. The teacher and all student in class didn't hear it because he really means it a song which is sing silently in his heart. (baca: benar-benar menyanyi lagu"dalam hati").